Legacies of Light

Synchronicity Masterclass: Activate Synchronicity to Align with Your Divine Purpose

Josette LeBlanc Episode 14

In this episode of the Legacies of Light podcast, host Josette LeBlanc dives into the topic of synchronicity. In this masterclass, Josette explains how recognizing and harnessing synchronicities can lead to increased communication with the universe and alignment with one’s divine purpose.

At the beginning of the episode, she outlines her journey with synchronicity, describes the main premises of her teachings, and discusses Carl Jung’s concept of synchronicity.

The episode further explores the language of synchronicities, including meaningful coincidences, conscious coincidences, and archetypes.

She then provides practical steps for activating synchronicities in listeners' lives.

Josette emphasizes the importance of naming what is meaningful, celebrating synchronicities, asking for clarity, and taking aligned action.

00:00 Introduction to the Legacies of Light Podcast
01:20 Masterclass Introduction: Communicate with the Universe
02:00 Personal Journey: Discovering Synchronicity
04:52 Understanding Synchronicity: Key Premises
09:12 Exploring Synchronicity: Definitions and Examples
15:20 The Language of Synchronicities
24:45 Reflecting on Personal Synchronicities
25:50 Activating Synchronicities: Practical Strategies
30:34 Astrological Timing and Synchronicities
33:06 Conclusion and Further Resources

Watch a video presentation of this masterclass on YouTube https://youtu.be/cHrgnsl30PA

This masterclass is an example of the content available in Intuition Immersion School's year-long program for trailblazing lightworkers, DISCERN.

DISCERN is a year-long program for lightworkers who want to run their soulful business or project with ease, integrity, and joy. No more doubting!

DISCERN gets you there by helping you
1) express your vision with courage
2) clear what's in the way of you trusting yourself
3) honor your unique energetic frequency.

Receive 1:1 energy work and mentoring and access to a powerful community and library of resources.





  •  https://www.josetteleblanc.com
•  https://www.intuitionimmersionschool.com

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Hello and welcome to the Legacies of Light podcast. I'm your host Josette LeBlanc. Today I'm excited to share one of my favorite topics with you synchronicity. This episode is all about synchronicity. Actually, this is a masterclass I recorded in 2023. And since then it was just gathering digital dust in my Google documents. And I thought it was time to pull it out and share it. You can watch the video version of this episode in YouTube. The link for that is in the description. So, if you want to catch that video with the slides and all this visual inspiration, you can catch that on YouTube as well. Please listen to the end because I offer some practical tips on how to increase synchronicities in your life. And why do you want to do that? Because the more synchronicities you have in your life, the more that you observe, some synchronicities. The more, it means that the universe is communicating with you. And what does that mean when you're in communication with the universe so much as possible? So if you enjoyed this episode, please like, and subscribe to this podcast and here we go.

Josette LeBlanc:

Hello and welcome to the masterclass,"Communicating with the Universe: activating synchronicities to align with your divine purpose". My name is Josette LeBlanc. I'm the headmistress and founder of Intuition Immersion School. And as with everything that I present to you, I'm absolutely delighted and excited to share this. This masterclass has been years in the making because it is one of my favorite topics. I talk a lot about this with my clients and anybody who really wants to hear about it, and I'm just so excited to be able to bring this information to you today. So before we get into the nitty gritty and the details of what is synchronicity and how can we harness synchronicities, I just wanna give you a little bit of a history of how this topic became such an important one for me. So it was about 2004 when I really started to understand that the universe was communicating with me through signs outside the normal signs of somebody saying,"Hey, you need to do this." In 2004, it was a few years after I graduated university, and up until that point it was a series of, let's say, bad decisions. I was making bad decisions. Any decision is not really bad because it helps us learn something, of course. But when I look back at that time in my life, it's not one of the fondest memories that I have. But finally, I made a good decision. I decided to make a good decision with my life, and the universe seemed to reward me. So I know I'm being a little cryptic with the details, but I don't really wanna get into the details. But basically I made the move to let go of a part of my life. And when I did that, it seemed like things would pop up at the right moment. I would meet the right person, that person would say the right thing. And based on that information, I would make A decision, right? And essentially, this is how I got to Korea. So I met these people, these travelers from Australia. They were traveling in Canada. And through them they told me about, teaching in Korea and the potential of traveling and teaching at the same time. And at that point I was in a place where I didn't know what to do and it just sounded so interesting to be able to leave Canada to come to Korea or come somewhere in Asia to teach English. And so I always had that piece of information in the back of my mind because I met them and then a year passed and it came to the place where I was put in a position where I had to make a decision, should I stay in Canada to pursue teaching in Canada? Or should I go abroad and see what it's like to teach first before I go to university. And so that's what I did. I came to Korea and from there the sequence of events just kept rolling. I met my husband. I got my teacher's degree and everything just started rolling. Now, it hasn't been a perfect life. Absolutely not. And I gotta say that every time I lost track of synchronicities, those were often the darkest parts of my life when I look back. But whenever there was light, the synchronicities would pop up. So we're gonna talk about how that is and how that happens. So before we get into what is synchronicity, I wanna start by saying the class premise, a few class premises. So the main premise that we're working on is that the universe is trying to help us align with our soul. So as the examples I was giving you before the universe, from my life it was pushing me to come to Korea, or it was pushing me in the direction of learning to teach, and here we are now I have founded the Intuition Immersion School. So this is the most important premise that we're working with. The second premise is that as humans, we have a limited capacity for receiving information on a conscious level, right? Most of the information that causes human action throughout the day is filtered through our subconscious mind. So everything we've learned as kids, traumas, our cultural conditioning, this is all filtered through our subconscious mind. And so really when we are making decisions, we're being encouraged by this subconscious mind. Okay. So the next one is the third premise is that humans communicate with their environment, both consciously and unconsciously via their physical and intuitive senses. So I make decisions based on what I see and what I want to do. I can consciously make decisions that way. However as I said before, because we are functioning mostly on our subconscious mind, we are doing things unconsciously as well. And when I'm referring to the physical senses, I'm referring to our five senses and then of course our intuitive senses, which are claircognizance, clairvoyance, and so on. You can learn more about that in my free program called Intuition 101, and you can access that in the Intuition Immersion School. So those are the three premises. Now if you're here, more than likely you are curious about synchronicities and how to harness these, and this is what you're going to learn. So the class intentions are your, the knowledge and awareness that you're gonna gain from this masterclass is, You will be able to have a deeper understanding of what synchronicity is and how it occurs. And then from there you will gather the skills. So after you put that knowledge, this knowledge, and this awareness into action, over a period of time, you'll be able to leverage synchronicities to take action toward your divine purpose. So if you are not sure what your divine purpose is, and you know this is a loaded term, what is it really? I wanna make a note to on that. This is a quote that is from my course, Intuition 101. So let me just read it. Your existence and your natural inclinations are a manifestation of your purpose. If you're confused or unsure about your purpose or mission on earth, your intuition will help you peel away the layers of conditioning. Your soul, your higher self or connection to source, and the universe communicates through your intuition. As you learn to be more in tune with the light of this voice, your unique frequency in all the beautiful ways it manifests will come through. So now we're talking about intuition as the voice that will come through... through your claircognizance, clairvoyance, all your clair senses that is mentioned in Intuition 101. This is absolutely a way the universe communicates with you. Synchronicities is another way that, that the universe communicates with you. So isn't it wonderful? We have these two beautiful ways that the universe is communicating with us. Now, often we, in order to receive a synchronistic message, we need to tap into our intuitive senses to make even more sense of that, right? So as I said in the previous slide, in premise number three, humans communicate with their environment, both consciously and unconsciously via their physical and intuitive senses. So as you're tapping into your intuitive senses, you have the ability to get more messages from the universe via synchronicities. And let's, we're gonna explore what that is exactly. So synchronicity. Synchronicity is a term that was coined by the psychiatrist, Carl Jung. You probably have heard of him if you have looked into the topic of shadow work, dreams, archetype. He did amazing research. Highly recommend looking into his work. His definition of synchronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect, and that is meaningful to the observer. So this word meaningful is what we are going to hang on to because meaning is the core of being able to harness synchronicities. So I just wanna make a note on this comment about how he coined the term. So he coined the term synchronicity in 1920 when he had his first encounter with the I Ching. So the I Ching is an ancient Chinese divination text and basically the way it works, I've never used it this way. I have an Oracle deck that's focused on the I Ching. But basically you toss coins or yarrow sticks. I learned that a yarrow is a type of plant. And the way they fall will correspond to a number in the I Ching, and that's from number one to 64. Basically, I hope I'm not belittling the I Ching at all, but it's an oracle deck. O racle decks are, when we pull it by chance, the message in the card corresponds to what we're living. So it's very similar in my perspective. So while Carl Jung was the one who coined the term synchronicity. And that is the term that is very popular today. You see it all over the internet when we're talking about coincidences. It's also a sacred experience that transcends time and that has been acknowledged and elevated by cultures all over the world since the beginning of time. So for example, the I Ching. Can you imagine? Based on what scholars say, the I Ching was first written in the 10th century, BCE. So wrap your mind around that. So today we use oracle decks, tarot decks, and we use pendulums to help us communicate with the universe. This is a way to harness synchronicity. Now I call this conscious coincidence. This is not a term that I've seen out there, but as I do my research in synchronicity, this is a term that I believe that's what we're doing when we're using things like oracle decks, tarot cards."Conscious Coincidences". I coined that! Anyway. And then of course it's really important at the beginning here that we honor the wisdom of indigenous people across the globe and their connection to animal spirits of the land and how these are connected to the concept of synchronicity. So much of that sacred knowledge and way of existing has been lost due to colonization and toxic material gains. So these indigenous cultures have been connected to the concept of synchronicity and have been able to communicate that since their existence. And then of course another, a negative influence on our understanding of synchronicity or our ability to elevate it as a way of existing in the world, is the the separation of the metaphysical world from the scientific world. So we live very much right now in a world of"either or" very black and white. But the thing is that we can't deny that really, the world is functioning on the concept of,"Ands". For example, there's a scientific explanation for how DNA manifests, right? And there's also a metaphysical one. Yeah, this is, I'm mentioning this because again, synchronicity is not a new concept and it is just part of the way we exist on earth. And we say it's magical, but it's also very normal. Just normal, right? So while scientists may be skeptical of placing any meaning on the concept of synchronicity, calling it pseudoscientific, so even Carl Jung, as much research as he has done, his philosophy and theories have been called pseudoscientific. This, even though they call it pseudoscientific, they have been drawn to the concept of synchronicity. And the idea of two things being connected without any apparent connection. Because they have had to, based on their scientific research, they can't help but look at this because it always comes up in the research. And this is where we come to to Einstein of course, or Einstein and other physicists. The concept of non-local communication. Now, I'm not gonna describe this or go in detail here because I can't explain it enough. I'm a metaphysician, not a physicist, but non-local communication is the ability to communicate and send information in an instant. And I'm sharing this video here of a murmuration of sparrows because this is an example of non-local communication. How are they able to move that way without really communicating, right? There's something intuitive, instinctive, and part of nature that is encouraging them to move in synchronistic motion, right? And then of course we have Einstein who we're talking about quantum entangelment. And what I love here, I'm highlighting the term"spooky action at a distance", because this is what Einstein termed it. Based on his research or the research of him and his his his colleagues, they were exploring this, how two particles could interact instantaneously over a long distance. And, he considered that to be just really spooky, freaky in another way of looking at it. It wasn't lost on Einstein that while there's a scientific explanation through quantum mechanics, it is definitely something that feels magical. Okay. So let's take a look at the language of synchronicities. This is the good stuff. This is where we start looking at how we can make sense of the synchronicities. So the most common one that we know are meaningful coincidences. So you think of somebody and they call, right? That's a meaningful coincidence. Another one is, if we're looking at astrology is, for example, so maybe Mercury is in Virgo and you nail a big presentation. So Mercury is the planet of communication. And when it is in Virgo, it's amplified. When Mercury is in Virgo, you have a good opportunity for communicating more effectively. Now, that is a meaningful coincidence. If you follow astrology and all of a sudden you're doing this great presentation and you realize, oh my gosh, wow, Mercury was in Virgo. No wonder I was doing such a good job. Or maybe the opposite. You're having such a bad time with something and you're realizing that ah, Mercury's in retrograde. Okay, so these are meaningful coincidences. Now, the next concept, as I mentioned earlier, conscious coincidences. Now the term"conscious coincidence" is still something I'm exploring, but I believe that when we're using divination tools such as the pendulum, as you see here, tarot cards, oracle cards, we're consciously calling on coincidences. Now, a coincidence we might say in and of itself is not something that you can be conscious of because it happens haphazardly. But when we are pulling a card from an oracle deck, we don't know what card we're going to pick. We know that we're picking a card because we want an answer to something; we want to get clarity or insight, and we know that the deck we chose will potentially give us that insight. So we're consciously making some kind of magic happen. So this is what I'm calling a conscious coincidence, and it refers back to what Carl Jung described it with the I Ching. So then symbols, this is probably the one that you are very familiar with. You are seeing angel numbers on your phone. You see a car pass by and theyhave 555- pizza, right? Their phone number. Symbols. So when symbols come up, pay attention to when is that symbol coming up. Is it coming up when you're thinking about something specifically? Especially like something that you are looking for an answer to? Or maybe another symbol that have meaning to you are glyphs. So the symbol here, you have Mercury. The next one is Venus, Leo, heart, and then the infinity symbol. Now, depending on what is meaningful to you, these symbols or the symbols that appear will have more meaning. So for example, for me, Mercury has been, and I'll talk more about it later, but Mercury has been an important symbol to me. Mostly the God Mercury has been an important figure for me. And so if whenever I see the symbol appear and it will appear sometimes on social media somewhere like that, I know it's time to pay attention. Okay, and so let's go to the next. Another way that the synchronicity communicates is through archetypes. And again, Carl Jung is somebody to look to to explore the concept of archetypes. So archetypes are universal models and patterns that affect personality and behavior. So for example, mother is a universal archetype, the concept of hero, the concept of villain or genius. And these archetypes may show up in as popular, historical, mythical characters. And of course I give examples here of Neo and for me, how this has showed up is sometimes if I'm, I have a problem or I'm pondering something. And for me, because I'm an energy worker I'm constantly thinking about like the meaning of life and intuition and so on, and making decisions that are aligned with your soul. And it's so fascinating how often. I can remember times where, I'm just maybe watching TV flipping through the channels and then the Matrix is on and I watch it. And this the story of Neo just has the perfect metaphor for me at that moment. Or other TV shows, will show up in a different characters will give the message that I'm requiring. And so these are some ways that archetypes can come up. And of course we have the message here of spirit guides are also archetypes that get and show up. So here's an example of some for me. Some major archetypes have been Jon of Arc and Mercury. When I was working with my coach just as I was starting my business, I was working on understanding how the divine feminine was working with me, through me, around me. And it was incredible how often Joan of Arc would show up in cards, tarot cards that we were studying. My coach would call me randomly. She'd be like, you will not guess what book, I opened the book and then who was there? Joan of Arc. And and it was always these, these synchronicities. I was even once given a photo of Joan of Arc by somebody new that I met. She painted... actually it's the painter of the deck Kyle Gray's deck. Her name is Lily Moses. And she painted the people or the ascended in masters in the Keepers of the Light Oracle. And she gave me a picture of Joan of Arc that she painted. And so Joan of Arc is just a pivotal figure for me. And whenever I see her I know there's a message for me. And then of course, Mercury is the reason why I am so interested in astrology and has been an incredible figure in my work, in my energy work. And and I've gone down many amazing rabbit holes and paths because I've followed Mercury. Namely an important figure in my life is my teacher Aeolian Heart. And I was led to her because of her love of Mercury and her passion. Yeah I recommend checking her out. And then of course, we have animals. So whenever an animal comes up in your life, this can be a sign of meaning. Each culture expresses its own animal symbolism. So for example, we very familiar totem animals for Native American tribes, sacred animals in Egypt, Greece, and Korean folklore. All cultures have different folklore and sacred animals. And for me, I'll tell you a story. This came up for me when I was building Intuition immersion school. I was beginning to work with somebody to help me build Intuition Immersion School, to help me build infra infrastructure, Julie Le Carrer. And right before we started working together, the day before I saw a kingfisher fly by, and they fly so quickly. And the only way I knew it was a kingfisher is because I could see the turquoise color just zipping by me. And this was significant to me because I'd seen the kingfisher years before at very important moments in my life as well. And the fact that it had shown up right before I started working with her was incredibly meaningful. But not only that, the last day that we worked together, when I was finally going to launch Intuition Immersion School, the kingfisher showed up again, so I couldn't deny the meaning of the kingfisher. And one thing that I like to do that I suggest, you don't have to Google everything, you can tap into your intuitive senses, but I like for animals, I like to Google or your favorite search engine, kingfisher spiritual meaning and so on. You could also specifically ask for specific cultures and this information will show up. So if, you can imagine how confirmed, affirmed, I felt when I read the first one. When kingfisher arrives in your life as a spirit animal, it heralds a time of abundance and peace. You have harvested the results of competent labor and began attracting good fortune. What a perfect symbol for the beginning of Intuition Immersion School. And so I say the kingfisher is our mascot. Okay, so then of course we have dreams in deja vus. This is something that Carl Jung worked a lot with, and you can do. Track your dreams. When you record your dreams, you might start seeing a pattern and those symbols might start happening in real life and so they start making sense of things. Deja vus are also, or deja vu is also how we know that there's something aligning. The universe is saying, ah, either you've been here before, pay attention, or there's something, this is related to something you felt in a dream. So there's magic there. All right, so these are all the ways the language of synchronicity can communicate with you. There may be others if you know of others. Please feel free to send me an email. If you're doing this course within Intuition Immersion School, go ahead in the Alchemy Lab and leave me a comment. If you feel that there's, I could add more to this for sure. This is an evolving language. So now I would like you to take some time to reflect on how the universe has communicated with you through synchronicities. Once you reflect on this, the next part will be to explore my strategy for communicating with the universe with synchronicities. And so take maybe 10 minutes. You can pause here. 10 minutes to reflect on these questions. What's your experiences with coincidences? Describe a time when events magically seem to come together. Again, for me, like my story of coming to Korea. That was a time. And there's so many, right? So many amazing coincidences in your life, when you take time to look at it. Then maybe there's a symbol and archetype that often comes up for you. So maybe you often, for me again, Joan of Arc always popping up. She was always popping up, and what does, what's that archetype mean to you? I. Okay, now. So take 10 minutes to do that and then when you're ready, come back and let's look at how I suggest to work with this. So here we're looking at activating synchronicities to align with your divine purpose. So again, this is what I'm proposing. And this is non-linear, I'm saying a non-linear approach for activating synchronicities because some of these will happen out of out of a time, like not in a timeline, not in a linear line. So just, it's hard to really explain, but once you feel it, you understand. So if we were to start somewhere though, if there were a timeline, naming what is meaningful to you is really the first step. So for me, with the example of the kingfisher, Intuition Immersion School was something very meaningful to me. I was putting all my effort, my time, my energy into building the website, Intuition 101, understanding what was the mission, getting a lot of clarity around that, and so that was meaningful. I also had named that the kingfisher was meaningful to me too. They feel very meaningful. Sirius has also been a meaningful star. The fixed star Sirius has been very meaningful. And the synchronicities that have occurred, because I've been exploring Sirius, have just been off the hook. So name what is meaningful to you. It could also be like, what is a problem or decision you're feeling challenged by. That is meaningful, right? So another thing that is important for you to do is once you do find a synchronistic moment, so one of the things, for example, an animal or the number or an archetype pops up. You celebrate that, right? Celebrate it. Meaning come into, again, if you're an Intuition Immersion School, come into the Alchemy Lab and say, oh my gosh, I can't believe I was thinking about this and then this came up. Or, I picked this card and this is what, I, and this is what it means to me. It's perfect, right? So celebrate it. When you celebrate it, you're telling the universe that you're listening. So it's the same thing when you're communicating with a friend, your friend wants to know you're listening, so you're gonna nod, you're gonna ask a question. It's the same thing. You're communicating with the universe. Another thing, ask for clarity. Explore the meaning of the sign. So in this case, you asking for clarity. It's important to ask for clarity. So you might want to ask your guides or sit down in meditation and ask, why are these archetypes showing up for you? Ask your higher self. Why is this important for me to explore? And then also exploring the meaning of the sign. So yeah, you can use Google, you can use books you can refer to, you can ask your friends. But just asking for clarity will help you define the synchronicity a little bit better. Then be patient. So this is also part of the non-linearity you might want clarity and you're like, you expect the answer right away, or you expect the answer in a certain way at a certain time, and that's just not how it works. You have to be patient with the timing of the answer. Of the meaning. It will come when it needs to come. The universe communicates when it needs to communicate, and when it believes it's in your highest good. Okay, and then when you have some clarity. When you have some clarity, take action. This is another way to tell the universe that you are receiving the message. It's similar to celebrating, right? For example, coming to Korea, making the decision to to come here. It was incredible what fell into place once I made that decision. When I got the hit that I should look into moving here and I started doing the research, I would meet people. Oh yeah, I lived in Korea. Here's a book on Korea. And at that time I didn't really have a lot of money, but it was incredible. All of a sudden I'd get money from the most random places or I'd find deals on things that I needed, like boots super cheap. And when they were usually expensive. That's me taking action on the insight that I'm receiving, thanks to the synchronicities. And then of course, rinse and repeat. So just, these are the practical ways that you can harness synchronicities in your life. Okay. Then of course, if you have any questions about these, please go ahead and ask wherever you can contact me via email or in the Alchemy Lab, of course. And then final note on activating synchronicities to align with your divine purpose is astrological timing. So using divine timing to leverage aligned action and amplify messages from the universe. This takes a little bit more practice. If you are comfortable with astrology, if you know your natal chart, if you know the basics of your natal chart, your sun sign, your moon sign, your ascending, rising sign, you can make decisions or move with the stars, right? For example another way to align with the stars is to do energy work during auspicious times, such as Lionsgate. Also during healing times such as eclipse season. Eclipse season is a really a time of purging and releasing and exploring what needs to be let go of and what needs to be brought in and when just knowing that can help you connect to synchronicities. And be in more alignment with your divine purpose. And of course, as I said before, know your soul map. Your natal chart is a map of your soul. It's a map of why you incarnated at this time. And so when you get to know your natal chart, you really can start looking at how the stars and astrology can support you in making decisions that are in alignment with your soul purpose. And as a result, synchronicities will just pop up right. And then of course, if you need any support with this I offer a service called Destiny and Destination Reading, where I look at your north and south node. So your north node is related to your destiny or why you incarnated in this lifetime. And your south node is related to what you are leaving behind. But what are the lessons that you learned? What are the lessons that you've integrated and brought into this life but are ready to let go of for the purpose of moving towards your north node? And what we do is we, I look at that and I also look at the astrocartography of your natal chart. I use an app called astro.com, which helps me understand specific locations on earth and how it relates to your specific soul map. And so I input that into this database and I get insight on specific destinations. So you tell me destinations that you're interested in knowing about and I'll tell you if it's related to your destiny or not. Or how it connects to your destiny and how it might support you in your destiny. And that is it. So that is how to communicate with the universe. And how to activate synchronicities to align with your divine purpose. Thank you so much for your attention, and I look forward to hearing more about how the synchronicities have been popping up in your life and how they are connecting to your divine purpose.

I hope you enjoyed this masterclass. I'm so happy to share it with you. If you enjoyed it, please be sure to share it far and wide with your friends, fellow lightworkers. And if you enjoyed my style, if you enjoy my style, my energy, you might want to consider joining my discern program. It's a year long program for lightworkers who want to bring their work out in the world. So you might be suffering from. Feeling doubt about your spiritual gifts or your creative gifts your unique gifts, really what you're here to do. And this year long program is meant to support you energetically and strategically in sharing your important light work with the world. It's a year long program and within it, you get one on one energy work with me. You get group energy work with like minded souls. You also have self paced courses to support you with your visibility and your energy management, which is crucial for lightworkers because we need to be out in the world in a way that is energizing and not depleting so that we can be of our highest purpose. If this sounds interesting to you, the link for this program, discern, is in the description. If you have any questions about this episode or about my work, you can email me at jose lb@joselebla.com. You can also find me on Instagram at Joset dot Alchemist. My website is www.joselebla.comandalsointuitionimmersionschool.com. So all the links are in the description. And thank you so much for listening and see you in the next episode.